Nordic countries would do a great harm to Humanity and Religious Freedom by supporting the Hindu Indian state for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Simranjit Singh Mann.
The Tribune dated 05th May 2022.

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that our party has always respected the Nordic countries for their unambiguous support for Human Rights and Religious Freedom and our party also remembers the Helsinki Accords which changed the cartography of Europe.
In this news it has been noticed that the Nordic countries- Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Finland have given their support for THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian State) to become a member of the UN Security Council.
These countries which have a high moral stand must know that the Hindu Indian state has not honoured the 1948 UN Security Council resolution for a plebiscite in Kashmir. This resolution is the only solution democratically and peacefully which can help in solving the Kashmir vexed imbroglio.
However, since 05th August 2019 the Hindu Indian state has abrogated the autonomous status of Kashmir which Articles 370 and 35A gave this Muslim minority state. It also dissolved the democratically elected Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir. Besides this Kashmir’s status as a state of the Union of India was also annulled and now it has become an Union Territory, governed and ruled directly by the radicalized Union Government of the BJP-RSS in Delhi.
A draconian law- AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) has also been enforced in Jammu & Kashmir which gives the security forces the unbridled right to kill, maim, kidnap, abduct, murder, rape, molest, torture, detain any person for an endless time.
This law contravenes Article 21 of the Constitution which states that no person can be deprived of his life and liberty without following the procedure laid down by law. Yet the Supreme Court which is the guardian of the Constitution is not willing to strike this inhuman law and declare it ultra vires the Constitution.
Besides these humongous Human Rights breaches the Hindu Indian state has in 1984 committed the genocide, memoricide, vandalism and ethnocide of the Sikh peoples with impunity. The Hindu Indian state has also not held elections, for the last twelve years to the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandak Committee, which was established by law in 1925. As a result this House that gave a breath of democracy to the Sikhs has become a Lame Duck Parliament.
In fact our party has been sending regular reports to the Embassies of the Nordic countries about the Human Rights violations by the Hindu Indian state.
Premier Narinder Modi is said to be in Europe and met the delegates of these countries. But the Hindu Indian Premier has not condemned the aggression of Russia against Ukraine this year or in 2014. He has only condemned the misery and sufferings of the Ukraine people which is not what our party desires or the civilized countries of the West, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada and the USA want and are fighting Russia with economic sanctions and the Hindu state also refuses to cut down imports of weapons like S-400 missiles and oil from Russia.
We hope the Nordic countries will not support the Hindu Indian state for a seat as a permanent member of the United Nations of Security Council as it has been said that after over-running Ukraine, Sweden and Finland would also be targeted for aggression and occupation by Russia.
We think no person or country would be willing to dig its own grave after the experience Europe, Africa and Asia have had after the Nazi regime in Germany, Tojo regime of Japan and Mussolini’s in Italy. Dracula should never be made a guard of a Blood Bank.
Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann