American State Assembly of Connecticut has absolute rights to pass a resolution in favour of Khalistan Remembrance Day.- Simranjit Singh Mānn

The Tribune dated 03rd May 2022

COMMENTS BY S. SIMRANJIT SINGH MANN Shriomani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that Shriomani Akali Dal (Amritsar) does not understand why the Hindu Indian should be provoked or mind if a federating state of the United States Connecticut in its democratic chamber passes a resolution recognizing the 36th anniversary of the declaration of Khalistan.

Sikh’s want to know whether before 1947 they ever protested against the independence of India, which would mean majoritarian Hindu rule?

In the Constituent Assembly which framed the Hindu Indian Constitution of 1950, two Sikh representatives Sardar Hukam Singh and Sardar Bhupinder Singh Mann came to know that the majoritarian Hindu had not kept any promises made to the Sikh’s about the future destiny of the Sikh peoples, as such both these Sikh representatives did not put their respective signatures to the Hindu Constitution of 1950. They rejected it on behalf of the Sikh peoples.

Now if the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut has passed a resolution in favour of Sikh freedom and liberty, why should it pain the Hindu state? It is unfortunate that the Hindu wants to live in freedom and enjoy its freedom but wants to keep the Sikh in shackles and remain its vassal.

It is because of this warped mind of the Hindu state that the BJP RSS Union Government is not holding elections to the Sikh Parliament SGPC which came into being as an act of law in 1925.

Twelve years have lapsed since elections to (Shriomani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee) (Shriomani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee) were held, though as per the statute they should be held every five years.

Currently Premier Nerandra Modi is on a foreign tour and he should be asked by his hosts why the Hindu Indian state is depriving the Sikh’s of their democratic rights and why their democratic House has become a lame duck Parliament?

Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann

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