Think there is more to Russian aggression in Ukraine since 2014 than the author writes about. – Simranjit Singh Mann

The Tribune dated 4th February 2022.

Comments by Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that this is a very good and learned article on tank warfare. The author mentions great war – fields where tank battles were fought, but forgets to mention the 1965 war where Major General Gurbux Singh made a graveyard for the Islamic Pakistan imported Patton tank in Tarn-Taran Sahib of the Punjab, how the T 72 tank was lifted in war planes to Ladakh and only S. Balkaur Singh father of the famous Sikh singer deceased Shubhdeep Singh Moosewala, the only Cavalryman in the Armoured Corp who could drive these big tanks into the aircraft.

These T-72 tanks played a stellar role in deterring the further advance of Communist China’s PLA advance into Ladakh.

Having said what the writer has written he does not tell us why Russia invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014 and why it is ruthlessly bombing civilians in Ukraine cities. Ukraine has not joined the NATO and therefore, there was no reason why Russia attacked it. Russia has also threatened a nuclear and hydrological war on Ukraine. The steppes of Ukraine are the major wheat growing lands of the world. Last year because of the Russian invasion, Ukrainians could not grow or put in the wheat seed in the soil and this year promises to be a great shortage of this grain. Will Russia be generous in providing the world the grain Ukraine supplies?

Lately the author must know that two Russian dissidents Pavel Antov and Vladimir Bidenov had recently died under mysterious circumstances in Orissa state. These deaths must be investigated as Russia was also responsible for killing a Russian dissident in Britain. We must as an independent people look into the extra ordinary reach of the Russian intelligence agencies globally. If we do not clarify how these deaths occurred then we would be taken as Russian stooges as THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian state) is also getting cheap oil from Russia, refining it and selling it at dear rates in the oil starved West. Such trade is also called making war profits as in the famous book of Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With The Wind”.

Talking about military matters we ask the author what he thinks about the short four year tenure of the soldiers in the Armed Forces. Can a four year soldiers learn all the modern war craft, and keep himself fighting fit against the Han soldier fed on pork and the Pathan, Baluch and Punjabi Musalman soldier fed on beef ?

The next question we put to the author is that was it wise to attack the stateless Sikh’s with tanks inside the holiest Sikh shrine in the infamous ingress code named Operation Bluestar of 1984 by the Hindu Indian state? He must in future mention these tank battles when he recalls famous battle grounds of the tanks.

Our Party still maintains that the Leapord tanks would do the Hindu state proud as the Arjan tank is too heavy to maneuver in the Rajasthan desert and the Punjab planes which can be flooded, which resulted in the graveyard of the Patton Tank by Major General Gurbux Singh in 1965. They would also do well in Ladakh and NEFA amidst the deep snow fields of the Himalayas. We have already suggested that the Hindu Indian state has a pitiful shortage of strategic war planes and it should buy the Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen E as the Swedes manufacture armaments that can contest Russian made arms possessed by Communist China and Islamic Pakistan.

Our Party is of the opinion that the Russian’s must seize their aggression against Ukraine and return to their territories they had prior to 2014.

Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann

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