There is something deeper than the analysis of General Saini than blaming a foreign power. A look within would be better.– Simranjit Singh Mann
The Tribune Dated 24th December, 2022
Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that this is a good article by Lt. General SK Saini. It is written in the general perspective of a commentator or a bureaucrat or a military commander.
We ask if Islamic Pakistan’s ISI is behind this attack of RPG’s which have been launched at non-military and non-strategic centres, then it cannot be an attack by lethal weapons at such police stations and intelligence headquarters. This is too amateurish for an expert agency like the ISI to waste its man power just for a practice run. Most of the amateurs have been captured by the police. Would the ISI waste its human resources like this? If it is a practice run then this misadventure could have been practiced within the jurisdiction of the ISI.
We think all these misadventures that are taking place is due to the general dissatisfaction of the Sikh peoples not receiving justice for the two actions of 1984.
One is Operation Bluestar in which Indira Gandhi and Hindutva leaders sought the assistance of British and Soviet troops along with their own in launching a barbaric military attack on the stateless Sikh’s and committing the inhuman crimes of genocide, memoricide, vandalism and ethnocide. The vandals have still not returned the valuables robbed from the Sikh Refence Library and the artefacts of the Darbar Sahib (The Golden Temple Amritsar)
Toshakhana or treasury. All these heinous crimes have been committed with impunity.
The second crime against humanity was committed by Rajiv Gandhi later that year, that of genocide of the Sikhs all over the country, not sparing even Sikh soldiers.
What we ask Lt General Saini is that having almost become the Chief of Army Staff, why the armed forces launched such a vicious and inhuman attack on the stateless Sikh peoples and secondly when Rajiv Gandhi gave the order to commit the Genocide of the Sikhs why the armed forces did not step out of their respective barracks and cantonments to save the unarmed Sikhs.
Even in 2002 when Mr. Narendra Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat ordered the massacre of Muslims of whom 2000 were killed in cold blood including the crime of rape of Muslim women like Bibi Bano why the military did not come out of its barracks?
We are often told that the armed forces are sacred and protect our borders. But we ask since 1947 when the Hindutva state came into being, why Kashmir was split into territories going into the hands of Islamic Pakistan and Communist China? The General must be reminded that it was the Lahore Darbar( Sikh Empire 1799-1849) that annexed Kashmir in 1819 when it was a province of Afghanistan.
Then Ladakh was annexed by the Lahore Darbar( Sikh Empire 1799-1849) in 1834. But since the Hindutva state came into being it has surrendered 39,000 Sq. kms of Ladakh territory to Communist China in 1962. Again in 2020 the armed forces have surrendered large chunks of territory in Ladakh and now recently this month in December more territory in NEFA Tawang has been surrendered.
Now we ask General Saini when the armed forces cannot save their own citizens from the perpetration of crimes like Genocide, memoricide, vandalism and ethnocide and even their country from foreign inroads and occupation, what are the armed forces worth ? Why should they be glorified?
But we are somewhat proud to hear that Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudari has proudly declared that he lacks the weaponry to take on the two nuclear armed neighbours. Normally when commanders reach the zenith of their service they look for sinecures but the Air Chief Marshal is a rare general and commander who has told his Government like in the tale of Hans Cristian Andersen that the emperor has no clothes in his story – “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
After this, the main grievances of the Sikh peoples are that the scalawags that committed the sacrilege of the Sikh scriptures, the DGP killing two Sikh’s and the terror perpetrated in Kotkapura in 2015, the loss and theft of 328 religious scriptures by the SGPC, not holding elections to the Shiromani Gurudwara Prahbandak Committee which came into being by an Act of law in 1925 and not releasing Sikh political prisoners incarcerated for the last 27 years are some of the grievances that are eating into the Sikh souls and conscience.
In this winter session of Parliament I have as a Member of Parliament tried to bring all these matters to the attention of the powers that be within Hindutva and the state. That is all that I can do, the rest lies with the columnists like General Saini and The Tribune and the other Media of the state.
Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann