Chief Minister Bhagwant Ji should have received the President in Chandigarh. – Simranjit Singh Mann
The Tribune dated 09- October -2022.

Shriomani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that in a democratic, constitutional form of Government, the President or Governor have three prerogatives, which are :
1) The prerogative of the Government in keeping the President- Governor informed.
2) The right to encourage the Government, and
3) the prerogative to warn the Government.
In this case of Chief Minister Bhagwant Ji should have been present to receive the President, which the Governor has reminded him of. This reminder comes within the prerogative of the Governor.
In our Party’s case our Party has been critical of the Union and state Governments of killing the Adivasis or Tribals by stating they are either Naxilites or Maoites.
Since President Droupadi Murmu has become the President we have not heard of the killings of Adivasis or Tribals in fake and extra judicial murders. Therefore, our Party has welcomed the change in the Presidential Palace in Delhi. We think the new President deserves our sympathy and our good wishes to keep herself abreast of the extra judicial killings by the Union and State Governments.
We should now focus our attention on Kashmir where under the unconstitutional law AFSPA(Armed Forces Special Power Act.) the armed forces exercise the right kill, maim, rape, molest, torture, murder or detain any kashmiri, with impunity.
Simranjit Singh Mann,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar).
Facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann