A Tribal President must stop the extra judicial killings of the Tribals in Central India and the North East. Their religion, culture and forest wealth must be preserved. – Simranjit Singh Mānn
The Tribune Dated , 02-07-2022

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) is happy that Madam Murmu’s candidature to the future Presidentship of the Hindu Indian state has been put-up by many political parties.
The Tribals of India have been pushed into the deep evergreen forests of Central India ever since the arrival of the Aryans who through their laws of Manusmriti created a class structure of the society, pushing the aborigines of India into the forests or they would have made slaves and categories as Shudars.
These Tribals inhabit the forests and worship nature. But the Hindu Indian state, its rich and wealthy businessmen want to get at the treasures of these forests, those being timber, gold, silver, iron or diamonds, coal and the precious animal life, besides converting them to the Hindu religion.
Recall the case of Father Stane Swamy who died under mysterious circumstances in detentions by the state. Since the Tribals are resisting such encroachments to their forest dwellings they are being given the nomenclature of Naxalites and Maoists. On this pretext the tribals that resist are being short dead by the central armed paramilitary forces. We cannot forget the killing of Maharaja of Bastar Pravir Chandra Bhanj Dev who was killed by the Indian armed forces in 1966 as he was trying to preserve the culture and the forest wealth of the Tribals. What is worse is that these rich businessmen have the rich habitats of the Tribals raided and capture their young maids which are sold into prostitution in the cities of Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and Bangalore and some of them are enslaved for life as house maids of the rich Hindutva tycoons.
We hope that with these elevations of Madam Murmu as President of the Republic these factors will be take into account and the lives of the Tribals whether in the Central Indian Forest and the Tribals of the North East where they are killed under the unconstitutional law of AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act.), all these illegal and unconstitutional activities of the Hindu Indian state will seize.
Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
website: https://akalidalamritsar.in/
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann