Now proved pictorially that The Tribune has turned radically rightwing Hindutva newspaper. Webmaster

The Tribune dated 23rd June 2022.

Comments by webmaster of SADA: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) state that The Tribune has turned blatantly communal and become a model of Hindutva, adapting the rightwing policies of the RSS, a dangerously radicalized wing and father of the ruling BJP party with Premier Narinder Modi as its Premier.

We can see that it has posted the pictures of all the candidates running for Parliament in the By-Election to the Sangrur Parliamentary Constituency.

It has prominently omitted the picture of Simranjit Singh Mann the candidate of the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar), which today’s 24th June vernacular newspapers state that his campaign was most popular inviting crowds to the polling-booths of the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar).

It is proved that The Tribune has taken on firmly to the ideology of Hindutva and the creation of a Hindu Rashtra which is a policy of the BJP-RSS.

Our party has written to all democratic states that the news published in The Tribune and its editorial’s should be taken with a pinch of salt, particularly in the Congressional library in Washington DC, British, Canadian, New-Zealand, Australian, German, French, Japanese and other Parliaments of the UN Associated countries and the Indian minorities living abroad and the Hindu Indian state.

Lakhvir Singh,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

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