Hindu India is back to supporting Ukriane’s integrity and sovereignty. Where does Khan’s love for Hindu India’s Foreign Policy now stand? – Simranjit Singh Mānn
The Tribune Dated 21st March 2022

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that it is strange and peculiar that Islamic Pakistan’s Premier Imran Khan should praise the Foreign Policy of the Hindu Indian state.
According to our Party Kashmir is not a internal matter of the Hindu Indian State as the UN Security Council ruled in 1948 that this is a disputed territory and ordered a plebiscite to take place in this territory.
Going back into Kashmir’s history, it was in 1819 that the Lahore Darbar (Sikh Empire 1799-1849) annexed Kashmir as it was then a province of Afghanistan.
Therefore, the Sikh Nation has always had an interest in this territory. We have said that holding a plebiscite in Kashmir is the only democratic and peaceful method in which this imbroglio can be settled.
So let us not say that how can the stateless Sikh’s comment on Hindu India and Islamic Pakistan’s foreign policy. The Sikh’s have always been a sui generis sovereign people.
On 5th August 2019 the Hindu Indian State abrogated Articles 370 and 35 A of the Constitution which gave a semblance of autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir.
When Kashmir is under the eye of the UN Security Council the Hindu Indian state has no authority to annul Kashmir’s autonomy.
Its Assembly has also been dissolved and the people have no voice in democracy as they do not have a legislature. Furthermore, the Hindu Indian state run by an extremist Hindutva BJP- RSS Union Government has taken away the status of Jammu and Kashmir being a state of the Union. It has been reduced to the status of an Union Territory governed directly from Delhi.
To make matters worse the BJP- RSS Union Government has passed a draconian law -Armed Forces Special Powers Act) which gives unbridled and ruthless powers to the security forces to kill, maim, torture, molest, rape, kidnap, abduct and detain a Kashmiri indefinitely, all with impunity.
This law Armed Forces Special Powers Act) contravenes article 21 of the Constitution which lays down that no person can be deprived of his life and liberty without following the procedure laid down by law.
The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution and it is a long time that it has allowed the BJP- RSS Union Government to keep this law on the statute book. We wonder why ?
Therefore, where do we go when Islamic Pakistan or any other country begins to admire the foreign policy of the Hindu Indian state?
A delegation led by US envoy Nuland has presently visited Delhi to knuckle dust the Hindu Indian Foreign Office for not following the known, written and laid out policies of Quad, wavering and fluttering like a chicken with its neck chopped off.
Now Premier Modi has assured the British Premier that his country would always respect international law and territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states including Ukriane’s.
So the Hindu Indian State has come back to follow its foreign policy, that is to support the West against its foes and therefore its little flirtation with Russia has been put to an end.
We would now ask Premier Imran Khan where he would now stand with his new found love for the Hindu Indian state’s foreign policy?
Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann