We must be truthful about who destroyed Buddhism from the land of its birth. The onus is on The Tribune. – Simranjit Singh Mann

The Tribune Dated 22nd March 2023.

Comments by Sardar Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that the author Mr. P Stobdan tells us that Premier Narendra Modi is attempting to salvage Budhism. But Premier Modi is a staunch believer in Hindutva and Hinduism.

It was Adi Sankaracharya a staunch Brahmin that destroyed Budhism and sent it to the margins of the Indian sub-Continent. Then it was Shashaka who was a Shaivite Brahmin King of Bengol who ferociously oppressed Buddhism. He destroyed the Bodhi tree and images at Budhgaya ordering mass destruction of all Buddhist monasteries in his Kingdom.

In 2001, on the orders of the founder of Taliban Mullah Omar the Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed in Afghanistan.

If radicalized Hinduism under Adi Sankaracharya had destroyed Buddhism from the country of its birth, then one wonders how Premier Modi will revive Buddhism as he too is a staunch hardline and radicalized Hindu.

We should not distort history to please the Japanese guest Premier Fumio Kishida and state that the revival of Buddhism by the hardline Hindutva BJP- RSS will bring in laurels to the fatigued Hindu Indian states diplomacy and help in making Quad strong. We are aware that the US, Australia and Japan are strong and honest about Quad but we have never heard of the Hindu Indian state being an equally strong supporter of this alliance, perhaps it is too scared of Communist China which has annexed 39,000 Sq. Kms. of Ladakh territory in 1962 and another 2000 Sq. Kms. in 2020 and 2022.

The editorial staff of The Tribune before putting this article in print should have been honest in telling its readers about the role of Adi Sankaracharya and Shashaka. But obviously living in extreme Hindutva the editors thought it best to hide the truth that it was not Hinduism that threw out Buddism from the country of its birth.

As we write today the BJP-RSS Union Government of THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian state) has launched a hunt against the Sikh’s who have been illegally picked up by the police on trumped up and hearsay evidence and are going through extreme torture. It is a milder repeat of 1984’s Operation Bluestar when the Hindu Indian state committed the Genocide, memoricide, ethnocide and vandalism of the Sikh peoples.

However, our Party wishes to state that Sikh’s abroad while in protest must remain strictly within the bounds of law and there should be no harsh acts, howsoever the Hindu Indian state carries out Sikh hunts and abuse of their Human Rights.

Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
website: https://akalidalamritsar.in/
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann

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