No democracy for the Kashmiri’s and the Sikh’s in THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian state). – Simranjit Singh Mānn
The Tribune Dated 16th March, 2023

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that Kashmir is being treated as an annexed territory. Articles 370 and 35 A which gave a semblance of autonomy to Kashmir have been abrogated. The legislature has been dissolved.
The Kashmiri’s of whom Sikh’s are also a part are crying for the restoration of democracy and demand elections.
Even Russia which has annexed parts of Ukraine like Donetsk, Lukansk, Kherson and Zaporizhian has held referendums in these annexed territories and merged them into Russia. We do not understand that THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian state) has good relations with Russia and if Russia believes in referendums why the Hindu state is not following that example. In fact the UN Security Council has decreed that a plebiscite take place in Kashmir as that would solve this perplexed problem.
On the other hand the Sikh peoples are asking for elections to their Parliament the SGPC ( S) which came into being by an act of law in 1925. It is decreed that elections to this institute will take place every five years. But the Union Home Ministry which is charged with this duty has not held elections for the last twelve years, as a result the Sikh’s have lost their democratic rights and the SGPC has become a lame duck Parliament.
We do hope that the Hindu Indian state will hold elections to this House and fulfill its obligations to democracy.
Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann