Much before revelation in The Tribune news dated 28th February 2023, our party has been following the clandestine manufacture of chemical and biological weapons. Simranjit Singh Mann, Member of Parliament.
The Tribune dated 28th February 2023.

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that our party had been screening reports from various circles about the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons of destruction.
Much before the news above in The Tribune dated 28th February 2023. Our party had put in the comments of manufacture of such weapons on 27th March 2020 which we place below:
Nobel winning scientist claims Covid-19 was man made in Wuhan lab. The Tribune dated 20th April 2020
Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that our party Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) has been stating since dated 27th March 2020 that covid-19 pandemic possibly started due to the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons some where in the world. Our party has not won a Nobel Prize but nevertheless we have been on target even before President Donald Trump became aware of such clandestine manufacturing. There is an English phrase that says- give the dog his due. Our posts from the very beginning on this subject dated 27th March 2020 can be read on our facebook page @sardarsimranjitsinghmann and website:
Press statement of Simranjit Singh Mann,
Quilla S. Harnam Singh, P.O. Talanian
District:- Fatehgarh Sahib, Pin Code:- 140406
dated 27th March 2020
Our party Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) would request the WHO under the auspices of the United Nations find out which countries are manufacturing chemical and biological weapons, as there is a suspicion that the Corona Virus has spread through the illegal manufacture of such weapons.
THIS (Theocratic Hindu Indian State) has reacted to our press statement about dated 23rd March 2020. But these bags must be provided to the people of the border state of Punjab. The Hindu state must clarify whether it is producing chemical and biological weapons?
More information on chemical and biological weapons.
Information received by Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) is that the corona virus spread is due to experimenting with biological weapons. WHO under the auspices of the UN should proceed with this investigation to get at the root of this beastly pandemic?
More information on chemical and biological weapons.
Dated 01st April 2020
Our party Shiromani Akali Dal Amritsar believes that the corona virus originated through the illegal testing of chemical and biological weapons. We have ask WHO working under the aegis of the United Nation to find out where these banned activities are being carried out. Today we are posting and Article-“the corona threat to US navy” which may bring us closer to what we are trying to find. We would ask WHO to involve the Scandinavian countries- Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark in getting at the base of this misanthropic misdeed. The Article below:
“The corona threat to US Navy”
The Chinese have been evolving their surface-to-surface missile weaponry such as the hypersonic DF-17 to target American aircraft carriers and other naval ships at sea. The Americans apparently have developed a counter to this threat. Virus warfare aimed at the non-operationalisation of one or even two premier aircraft carriers in the Pacific would be another ballgame altogether. The urgent need for a corona vaccine has a military dimension now
Posted: Apr 01, 2020 02:40 PM (IST)
Updated : 1 hour ago
Whilst the entire world is battling the corona virus threat with varying degrees of success, a most fearsome happenstance in this nightmare is unfolding far away in the Eastern maritime theater. South China Morning Post, Fox News and the Deputy Secretary Navy have all stated on March 29 that at least 36 crew members of US Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) have been inflicted with the virus and the ship along with nearly 5,000 personnel is quarantined at Guam in the Pacific. The ship, radio call sign nicknamed ‘Rough Rider’ after President Roosevelt’s volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish – American War, is known to have made a port call at Vietnam three weeks earlier. Given the peculiarities of such combat ships, virtual floating cities with thousands of sailors working and living in close quarters, the disease can be transmitted faster onboard. This accounts for a third of the reported positive cases in the US military and a vital combat asset is going to be non operational for at least a few weeks (possibly longer) for testing of all sailors and decontaminating the ship. The ship’s air conditioning would have been instrumental in spreading the corona bug .The 100,000-tonne Nimitz class carrier with sailors packed like sardines, even in equipment and weapon bays and food buffets personnel are forced to cohabit in very close proximity, quite unlike the working environment in the Army or the Air Force. Also most naval men spend a majority of their time in equipment maintenance, calling for them to be touching every corner and surface on the ship, thus leading to rapid transmission of the infamous virus. Besides, disinfecting the war ship would be challenging as there are several equipment and weapon systems that could be contaminated by the disinfecting chemicals. Another carrier, USS Ronald Reagan, is likewise held up at the Japanese port of Yokosuka, two of its sailors having showed up positive for corona. It is not clear if this ship too would be rendered non functional shortly. Ironically, both these aircraft carriers were part of Donald Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy aimed at countering China. Though the US Navy has put it out that their combat capability has not been eroded by these two instances, prudence indicates that the assets would not be combat-worthy for a considerable period of time, at least for around a month.
Two intelligence-related incidents, in the backdrop of the corona fiasco, concerning Chinese research scientists bear mention. In July 2019, Canada expelled a team of virology scientists led by Dr Xiangguo Qui from Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory for transgression of bio war related technologies. Then again in November 2018, US Customs and Border Patrol stopped a Chinese biologist with three vials of ‘antibodies’ in his luggage( actually containing SARS and MERS material), allegedly meant for a colleague researcher at a US Institute. Recently the US Justice department preferred charges against Professor Charles Leiber of Harvard’s chemistry department for unethical deals with Chinese entities. Strong US-China cooperation at that time enabled the Chinese to run dubious dual use technology research programmes in the US, with serious bio war implications.
The manner in which the US Navy’s combat potential has been seriously compromised in the eastern maritime theatre without firing a shot makes me wonder whether it was all part of an intentional Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) ploy by China against the US, as a retaliation against Trump’s recent trade and tariff war measures . Social media has been rife with such conspiracy theories alright, but the predicament of the two USN carriers makes one wonder if the entire pandemic has indeed been ‘launched’ by China for ulterior motives. MOOTW is a doctrinal term coined by the US military during the nineties and since fallen into disuse. US Army’s Field Manuals and Joint Doctrines say that OOTW encompasses a wide range of activities wherein military forces are employed for purposes other than large scale combat operations associated with conventional war. Generally envisaged outside the US such operations involve a combination of air, land, sea, space, special ops and activities of non government organisations in a concerted effort, to achieve diplomatic, economic and informational goals. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that China which nurses global dominance ambitions would have motives and capabilities in this arena. Virus warfare and bio war could well fall under the realm of OOTW, though in this case possibly waged by an adversary. This possibility does not sound good from an international military point of view, as it could imply a military confrontation between two military world powers, one the only super power and the other an emerging superpower. The only saving grace is that motives are difficult to establish in this context and counter action by affected parties therefore difficult and unfeasible.
Whilst the Chinese regime’s misinformation propaganda ramps up efforts to pass on blame to entities such as a US military sports contingent, many aspects of the corona pandemic defy logical explanation. The fact that after its origin from the wet market of Wuhan, the spread of the virus was strangely contained in that one city in China itself is perplexing. Of course currently there are too many imponderables that defy logic. Herd immunity, immunity caused by other pathogens such as malaria parasite and tuberculosis are still unclear propositions. Once we have more data from countries in Africa and South Asia and South East Asia, perhaps researchers would be able to fathom the full epidiomology of the corona Covid-19. Also the fact that hydroxyquinine (since cleared for use by the FDA) has been found to be effective in containing the adverse respiratory ill effects of the virus and the lack of clarity over the mismatch between malaria affected regions and the corona pandemic impacted regions worldwide are perplexing, to put it mildly. The drastic shakedown of prevailing world economy and the stock markets globally are aspects that need a different analysis by specialists .Be that as it may, the vulnerability of large naval aircraft carriers to such an epidemic ‘attack’ makes the military mind ponder. The Chinese have been evolving their surface-to-surface missile weaponry such as the hypersonic DF-17 to target American aircraft carriers and other naval ships at sea. The Americans apparently have developed a counter to this threat. Virus warfare aimed at the non-operationalisation of one or even two premier aircraft carriers in the Pacific would be another ballgame altogether. The urgent need for a corona vaccine has a military dimension now.
further information on chemical and biological testing. Read the news in The Tribune April 09th under the caption “India Begins Genome Sequencing”
India begins genome sequencing
No proof strain in India weaker than elsewhere, says IGIB Director.
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, April 9
In a move that could open up potential treatment lines against the rapidly spreading Covid-19 in India, top researchers with the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, and the Institute of Genomics and Integrated Biology (IGIB), New Delhi, today embarked on whole genome sequencing of the virus in collaboration with the National Centre for Disease Control.
“We are receiving samples from various states. In the next three to four weeks we plan to sequence several hundred isolates of Covid 19-causing virus. The viruses of this family (coronaviruses) are known to mutate fast which is why no vaccine is effective. The complete genome sequencing will help us determine whether the Covid19 virus has mutated in India and if yes, to what extent. The sequencing will also enable us to determine the route the virus took to India. That in turn will help us link lineages of patients in the country and respond accordingly,” Rakesh Mishra, Director of CCMB, Hyderabad, explained.
He said research was also on to trace the source of the disease in Delhi’s biggest disease cluster at Nizamuddin.
“The disease in the Nizamuddin cluster probably came from Malaysia. Having analysed samples from the site, we are conducting genome sequencing to find further links. As many as 3,000 genome sequences have been deposited in the public domain. By the next week we will know the source of Nizamuddin disease cluster,” Mishra said.
Genome sequencing will help understand if there is anything unique about the virus circulating in India. Researchers have already concluded that the viral strain circulating in India is no less virulent than the one circulating in other nations like China, the US or Italy.
More information on chemical and biological weapons.
Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann : now that we are reaching out to receiving further information on chemical and biological testing, we seek World Wealth Organizations help in finding out weather the Covid-19 has been spread through testing Chemical and biological weapons of war. We will be grateful for more information on email from every source possible.
Simranjit Singh Mann,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page : Simranjit Singh Kisan Simranjit Singh Mann