The BJP-RSS should now march with their batons to save their country from disaster. They cannot save their Capital. Simranjit Singh Mann.

The Tribune dated 11th January 2023

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that since the Hindu Indian state has put it self forward to host the G-20 meet this year, we hope that if the BJP-RSS Union Government has any pride which it states is abundant, then it should solve the problems of the minorities, Schedule Castes, Tribal’s or Advasis.

Therefore, it is essential that Delhi looks like a Hindu Temple, clean and smart. The Supreme Court which is packed with the majoritarian’s should also put it self forward in giving an essential and pretty exterior to the Capital. The armed forces which never leave their barracks and cantonments when the Sikhs are being massacred by majoritarian Hindu mobs should do a fresh thinking as they have failed to save the borders of the country in Ladakh and NEFA.

We think all Hindutva stalwarts should put their foot forward and make the G-20 meet a success. They should note that the picture below exposes their underbelly as the poor have no shelter in the biting cold and what is worse they have no food. The picture speaks for it self.

This is what Winston Churchill said about the Hindutva leaders, if they were given freedom:

In 1947 on the cusp of Indian Independence, Winston Churchill said “all Indian leaders will be of low calibre & men of straw”.

Simranjit Singh Mann,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar).
Email [email protected]
Facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann

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