Sikh peoples are against Dam waters being used as hydrological weapons of war.-Simranjit Singh Mānn

The Tribune Dated 28 APRIL, 2022.

Comments by Simranjit Singh Mann: Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) states that we hope this large sum of money will be used for peace and prosperity of the people of Kashmir but not as a hydrological weapon of war, which would be against the Indus water Treaty.

Our party has feared the Hindu Indian state could use the Dams on the Rivers Satluj, Beas, Ravi and Chenab as hydrological weapons of war as it did in 1988 to put fear into the Sikhs who were struggling for their freedom.

The UN should take notice of this danger to the peoples of the Indus Basin, especially the Sikhs who are a stateless people and do not posses even a Noah’s Ark.

These dams should be placed under the control of the UN.

Simranjit Singh Mānn,
Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar),
Email: [email protected]
facebook page: @sardarsimranjitsinghmann

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